Monday, July 24, 2006


Hello, most of you probably came here from a result clicking one link from 'dunia vovin'. Yes, dunia vovin is bahasa Melayu version of my writing whereas this is an attempt to put something in English.

Compared to dunia vovin, this English blog serve as absolutely personal writing (which also including my opinion on politics, sports and everything i would like to write - which also, that particular opinion - might be wrong - but, heck...). Most of you will find dunia vovin quite informative (if there's any?) but this blog is simply - rants and stuff. Basically it is useless for knowledge-driven person.

As you can see or you might soon encounter or perhaps, already, there's lot of bad grammar, spelling mistake or inappropriate 'on', 'in' 'at' ect. Some sentence will make you go 'huh?' and some of it sound like 7 years old student who wrote his first English sentence. Forgive me as my English absolutely not as good as my Bahasa Melayu. Also, most of you might familiar with my typo error in dunia vovin so...go figure.

Perhaps there's some of you might ask - why separate blog? Well, i don't really have the answer for that question. I guess what i can say is because i'm trying to fully utilize one of the Blogger dot Com speciality - Unlimited Blog.

Anyway, if you ignore all those elements, i do hope you enjoy my stuff. I mean, the writing, not 'my stuff' or whatsoever, but if you insist, we can arrange...okay, it stop here. Till then.


Note on title 'The Periodical' - Well, we have to put some bombastic words right? Put any unsual words, words that only appear two or three times a year (in writing and speaking), It will make the readers go 'whoaa - this person is brilliant'. But really, i want to put 'The Journal' (simple and more like me - poor in vocabulary) as the title before i remember the word 'Periodical' pop up in Syed Alwi's Going North play i've read last night. I think it's a nice word. So...the rest is...history.
Oh, nothing to do with the 'period' things, you know, a super effective yet powerful weapon that women use to confront men. "Don't you dare to tease me, i'm in period" (directly translated from Bahasa Melayu).



Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:27 pm  
Blogger Nazim Masnawi said...

And I shall create a Malay blog soon.

6:06 pm  
Blogger areyoung said...

Aku tau, mencarut dalam bahasa inggeris lagi enak & terasa less kurang ajar kan?;P

5:43 pm  
Blogger Nazri said...

areyoung - i don't understand what are you talking about. No habla Malay.

6:59 pm  

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