Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Man At the middle a.k.a a moan why not a single girl i want would fell in love with me a.k.a this poem is shit

I'm too messy
For a college graduates
I'm not rockin'
For a Huha! Huhas
I'm much too romantic
For those who puke at it
I'm not romantic at all
For the fragiles
I'm not that old
For those who prefer old guy
I'm too young
For...the older one
I'm too conservative
For the liberal one
I'm too liberal
For the conservative one
I'm not that religious
For ones who seek someone to guide her
I'm not that 'bad boy bash girl'
for ones who want what i just mentioned above
My car is too small
For those who prefer Honda
Neither i don't ride a bike
For those who longing for a thrill
You looks better with short hair
Some of them said
You looks better with...long hair
Some of them said
I'm not funny
For them who like witty things
Ohhh..i'm 'funny'
And it's annoyed some of them

They say i'm desparate
Interms of relationship
But how i confuse
When others say i take too slow
Interms of relationship

What can i do, what can i say
people's see, people's judge
Certainly cannot please everyone
because i am
Man at the middle

PS: Pretend it don't have any grammar error. Wrote it during depress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lemme guess, u'd freak out when someone actually show some bit of interest in u.

1:16 pm  
Blogger kingbinjai said...

bravo! things come at your way when you least expecting it

1:43 pm  
Blogger Nazri said...

wait, this poem is about rejection kay!

The last time someone actually show a very little bit of interest in me is when Arthur pull out the sword from that whatever stone.

And i have to wait for 3 more England King for that moment again. Thank you.

kingbinjai- never expect anything. Less hurts.

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:40 pm  

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